Saturday, June 30, 2007

Wish ko Lang hand-out...

1. How was your first week of stay in maLayan? How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates? how do you find your courses? what sort of adjustment you still have to meet in terms of yo academics, emotions and social involvement?

~~~ for my first week, i can say that I'm not that comfortable with everything yet because i don't know any of my classmates... but as days gone by i feLt a Lot better with the new environment I'm in, i'm okay with my teachers and classmates, so far i'm not having any problems about them, for the adjustment? i really need to boost up my confidence.

2. How would you Like your first year in college be? what specificaLLy do you have to do to achieve these desires?

~~~i wouLd like my first year to be enjoyabLe and educationaL at the same time, to achieve these, i should learn how to mingLe with a Lot of my cLassmates so i would be enjoying every single of my classess, cause i'm not that cLose with aLL of them, just some of them for now.. ^-^

Friday, June 29, 2007

seLf evaLuation

1. How does vaLues Education work to your advantage?

___VE011 heLps me reLax through all the hard subjects in school.. because unLike other subjects i can speak my mind easiLy because there are no particuLar things to memorize and most of aLL we can speak our own Language.. hehe.. ^-^

2. After you have processed your first experience at MCL, in what way this will heLp you achieve succesful adjustment in coLLege?

___at first i feLt very nervous in school because i hardLy know my bLockmates, but when i became friends with most of them i sLightLy overcame my shyness.. ^-^ so i gained even a LittLe bit of confidence.. and i think confidence can heLp me throughout my coLLege Life.. ^-^