Sunday, August 26, 2007

Peer pressure

1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
~ when my friends are inviting me to go to malls during school days, it was during my first year in high school.

2. How did you react to it? Why?
~unfortunately i went with them, because i really like to go places, and it was ok for me because class was already finished. i wouldn't go with them if classes are still going on, and our school is just near powerplant (mall) so it's ok for me because it won't take too much of time anyway.

3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
~i'm fine with it, because we get to bond a little bit longer, and i can control myself not go home so late.

4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?
~ i should be really careful about my decisions, i should control myself in everything that i do, and i should be aware of all the consequences that may occur when i already made my decision.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


a. What challenge did you take?
~ i took the challenge of telling the truth, and admitting my mistake.

b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?
~yes i was able to do the certain challenge, and i felt great about it. even though the person i told about it didn't take it seriously, but i was really serious about what i told him.

about admitting my mistake, i apologized because i suddenly got hot-headed and i kinda scolded one of my friends and told him things i shouldn't have, so i sent him a text message maybe after an hour that i was sorry about what happened.

c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?
~i have learned that when you're being honest, you should not expect something in return because God will be the one to provide it anyway, and if people don't believe what you told them and you know for yourself that it's true, just let them be. it's there choice anyway and they'll soon regret that they didn't believe you when they already realize that what you told them before is true.

Respect for health and the environment

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

for the results of my personal health test, i always get head aches and my asthma is often coming nowadays.

i plan to take better care of myself than before, i should eat right meals at the right time and i should refrain from sleeping very late at night because it may be the cause of my head aches.

and for the asthma part, i should stay away from smokes because maybe i'm inhaling too much smoke from vehicles outside and i need to know when to rest especially during our PE subject. when we're doing activities i should control myself from doing too much work especially when i'm already having trouble in breathing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

an inconvenient truth

- The most striking scene in the movie

~the most striking scene for me were the slides showing how each country was devastated and the predicted effect of global warming after years to come -that a lot of countries are going to experience serious droughts-.

- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie
~ i felt disappointed because people could have done a lot since the past few years to stop global warming but still we haven't done a thing, and i felt irritated for the people who said "it doesn't seem to be much of a problem" when they knew about the effect of global warming.
- Your realization after watching the movie
~i realized that even though people knows what should be done, they still don't do it until they can see that they are already the ones who are suffering from it.

- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment
cooperate with tasks that should be done like; planting trees keeping the air clean and try stopping those who like smoking cigars as possible.

challenge... (6th meeting)

A. What challenge did you take?
~getting a high score in a quiz or seat work...

B. Were you able to beat the challenge? how do you feel about it?
~ for some courses i did, unfortunately i didn't for some. i felt happy and very disappointed at the same time because of the results.

C. What have you realizes/learned from your experience?
~i realized i should be more serious in my studies and set aside things that i shouldn't prioritize, another thing is i should keep challenging myself in doing things so i would be able to do it.

most challenging thing or accomplishment..

I've already written a couple of poems and it's already posted somewhere online, it's mostly about my personal life because i usually write poems when i'm very happy or very angry with something or someone.

I take it as an accomplishment because there are a lot of people who are having a hard time writing poems, so i'm really happy that i was given that talent, but the problem about it is that i can only write poems when i feel strong emotions and that's what i would like to develop.

Another thing i consider as an accomplishment is that I sang in front of an audience, because i usually sing with just my friends or family around, and i'm making more and more friends in school as days go by and i hope it just goes on until i graduate (hopefully ^-^) because i know having a lot of friends can help me a lot in my studies because we can help out each other in each of our courses.. ^-^